
Dressing up for Halloween is one of the best childhood memories any kid can have. What is really funny is that that feeling doesn’t go away as we become adults. It’s still so much fun to dress up.

Of course, the carnivals, the parties and the CANDY are important, too. LOL

I remember in grade school, costumes were simple with hard, brittle plastic masks with a stretchy string to help it stay on. Still fun, though.

Later, I dressed up with whatever I could find. For example, my gypsy costume was easy. Long skirt, lots of cheap costume jewelry and scarves made it great and fun to wear.

As a parent, I made it my mission to make by kids’ costumes every year. Most turned out pretty good. But some didn’t come out so good. . .. 🙁

One year, my son, age 8, and my daughter, age 6, were a pair of dice. I painted 2 boxes, one for each of my kids. The boxes covered their bodies from their necks to their knees and had cut out for their arms.

My poor daughter had to keep her arms horizontal and move her whole body when she held her trick or treat pumpkin out to get candy. I felt sorry for her and asked if she wanted to take it off. No, she didn’t.

Later that night, while tucking her in bed, she told me something I’ll never forget. “Mommy, this was the funnest Halloween ever.”

More than thirty years later and it still brings a smile to my face when I think about it.

No matter what you decide to wear this year, make sure to have the funnest Halloween ever!

Donna 🙂

me singing to my bumblebee
me singing to my bumblebee – late 1970s
me as raggedy ann with my little sister teri
me as raggedy ann with my little sister – late 1970s